Periodic Exams
Periodic exams, commonly referred to as check-ups, allow us to stay up-to-date on your dental health. We’ll check for signs of tooth decay, inspect the health of your gums, and screen for signs of oral cancer. With state-of-the-art equipment and a friendly, knowledgable staff, we make these exams as efficient, painless, and enjoyable as possible.
Preventative & Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment
Gums are an easily overlooked yet vital oral factor. Poor gum health can lead to tooth loss and potentially more severe medical conditions such as heart disease. To prevent and treat periodontal (gum) disease, our team utilizes preventative methods which effectively eliminate harmful plaque buildup and infection.
Fluoride Treatment
Another tactic to combat tooth decay, fluoride treatments strengthen teeth and help them resist damage from sugar, bacteria, and plaque. Not only does fluoride slow the breakdown of enamel; it also helps increase the rate of growth of new, harder enamel. Our fluoride treatments will leave your teeth feeling clean and strong.